Decontaminate using our disinfecting fogging service
Disinfecting fogging is one of the most convenient yet effective ways to ensure your workplace, healthcare facility, or school is safe and virus free. Ratcliffe Cleaning has an experienced team with specialised room fogging equipment that quickly clears spaces inside buildings or vehicles from airborne and surface traces any viruses. Our disinfecting fogging process cleans surfaces and kills viruses on desks, workspaces, equipment, and in the air.
The disinfecting fogging solution settles in cracks and crevices, where other cleaning methodologies such as wiping will not reach. Wherever germs can go, our fogging solution can too.
Our disinfection services are convenient and suitable for large and small spaces and single or multi-floor buildings. We can carry out the decontamination fogging during downtime or after hours, and your people can get right back to work after just a few minutes. Nothing is more reassuring to staff, teachers, pupils, and clients than a recently fogged and disinfected space.